Sunday, April 26, 2009

65 years ago in Nuthampstead England

2009 marks the 65th anniversary of my father, Walter E. Marsh's tour of duty in England. April 23rd is my mothers birthday, and for some reason, all that day I remembered there was another special event on that occured on April 23rd, but I just could not remember what it was. I decided to look in my fathers Air Force history that I have been compiling, and there it was. April 23 1944 was the day that dad left Rapid City, South Dakota, for Nuthampstead England.

This photo was taken March 1944 at Rapid City, dad is back row, 2nd from left.

This was such a pivotal time in dads life, so I feel we should celebrate and remember the sacrifice that all those young men who fought in WW-II. So let me give a special "Thank You"!! To all those who left home and family to fight for our freedoms. And also say that we as the 2nd and 3rd generations will never know, or understand all you went through, but we will never forget what you did for us.

Here is an excerpt from my dads military history.

April 1944, Transfer to Station 131 Nuthampstead England

Transferred to Station 131, APO #557 Nuthampstead England
8th Air Force, 1st Division, 1st Combat Wing, 398th Bomb Group 603rd Sqdn.
Date of Departure to service outside US, April 23, 1944,
Arrival in England April 27, 1944. Assigned to fly A/C #42-97357 the “Railroader”, as a “Shipment” flight to England, in the 398th Air Echelon.
Airial view of Nuthampstead Air Base
It took four days to make the trans-Atlantic flight to England. Colonel Frank Hunter left Rapid City on April 7, 1944 leading the Air Echelon. Remainder of original 72 Crews followed. Railroader is shown in at Nuthampstead May 3, 1944.

Majority of the Aircraft that the 398th flew to England were reassigned to other Bomb Groups after going to Base Air Depot, Langford Lodge, Northern Ireland for modifications to make combat ready. “The Railroader” went to the Base Air Depot on May 6, 1944 and from there was assigned to the 381st Bomb Group. The Railroader flew over 49 Combat mission before it was damaged on mission a to Germersheim Germany, January 13,1945, went to salvage that date.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

In the beginning

Following some encouragement from my daughter Shanna, here is my official blogspot. Hopefully a place for personal and family history. World War II remembrances and old car stuff.